Welcome to the home of healthy smiles
Holistic dentistry, where we find a solution for even the most complex cases!
30+ years of dentistry
30+ years of dentistry
Dr. Meeme Luks - Creating smiles that last
Dr. Meeme Luks - Creating smiles that last
Dr. Meeme Luks - Creating smiles that last
I am dedicated to helping people achieve healthier and more confident smiles through advanced technology and a holistic approach.
With education from the University of Tartu and the University of Helsinki, along with extensive experience in complex cases such as implantology and prosthetics, I strive to provide each patient with high-quality, personalized care.
My goal is to create smiles that are not only beautiful but also support health and overall quality of life.
Missing a tooth?
Have you lost a tooth and are you looking for a permanent solution that looks and feels like a natural tooth? A dental implant is the perfect solution – it replaces the root of a missing tooth and restores both your smile and chewing ability. Forget about uncomfortable temporary solutions and choose an implant that will last a lifetime!
Implantaati paigaldatud
20 000+
30+ aastat
Missing a tooth?
Have you lost a tooth and are you looking for a permanent solution that looks and feels like a natural tooth? A dental implant is the perfect solution – it replaces the root of a missing tooth and restores both your smile and chewing ability. Forget about uncomfortable temporary solutions and choose an implant that will last a lifetime!
Implantaati paigaldatud
20 000+
30+ aastat
Crooked teeth?
Are you bothered by a crooked smile but don't want to wear metal braces? Invisalign is your ideal solution - an almost invisible and comfortable method that corrects teeth inconspicuously and fits into your everyday life!
Sirgeks tehtud naeratust
10 000+
13 aastat
Crooked teeth?
Are you bothered by a crooked smile but don't want to wear metal braces? Invisalign is your ideal solution - an almost invisible and comfortable method that corrects teeth inconspicuously and fits into your everyday life!
Sirgeks tehtud naeratust
10 000+
13 aastat
Unsightly or worn teeth?
Are you bothered by worn, irregular or seriously damaged teeth, but are you looking for a quick and effective solution? Dental laminates and crowns are just for you! Thin laminates instantly give your smile a natural, bright look, while crowns provide permanent protection and restore tooth strength. Regardless of the problem, you can enjoy a healthy and beautiful smile!
Unistuste naeratust loodud
50 000+
Unsightly or worn teeth?
Are you bothered by worn, irregular or seriously damaged teeth, but are you looking for a quick and effective solution? Dental laminates and crowns are just for you! Thin laminates instantly give your smile a natural, bright look, while crowns provide permanent protection and restore tooth strength. Regardless of the problem, you can enjoy a healthy and beautiful smile!
Unistuste naeratust loodud
50 000+
Troublesome dentures?
Have you lost most of your teeth and are looking for a permanent solution that is more comfortable than removable dentures? All-on-4 implant dentures are the ideal solution - with just four implants, you can get a complete and firmly fixed row of teeth, which restores a natural smile and chewing ability. Forget about uncomfortable prostheses and enjoy lifelong stability and self-confidence!
Püsivat proteesi paigaldatud
30 000+
Troublesome dentures?
Have you lost most of your teeth and are looking for a permanent solution that is more comfortable than removable dentures? All-on-4 implant dentures are the ideal solution - with just four implants, you can get a complete and firmly fixed row of teeth, which restores a natural smile and chewing ability. Forget about uncomfortable prostheses and enjoy lifelong stability and self-confidence!
Püsivat proteesi paigaldatud
30 000+
Gingivitis or bleeding?
Do you suffer from bleeding or receding gums that cause discomfort and affect your dental health? Gum treatment is a solution that restores gum health by stopping inflammation and protecting teeth from future problems. Take care of your gums now to maintain a healthy, strong smile for the future!
Ravitud igemet
20 000+
Gingivitis or bleeding?
Do you suffer from bleeding or receding gums that cause discomfort and affect your dental health? Gum treatment is a solution that restores gum health by stopping inflammation and protecting teeth from future problems. Take care of your gums now to maintain a healthy, strong smile for the future!
Ravitud igemet
20 000+
General dentistry
Do you have problems with cavities, pain or damaged teeth that affect your daily life? Our various dental services offer solutions ranging from dental fillings to more extensive treatments to restore dental health and function.
Hammast ravitud
200 000+
General dentistry
Do you have problems with cavities, pain or damaged teeth that affect your daily life? Our various dental services offer solutions ranging from dental fillings to more extensive treatments to restore dental health and function.
Hammast ravitud
200 000+
Missing a tooth?
Have you lost a tooth and are you looking for a permanent solution that looks and feels like a natural tooth? A dental implant is the perfect solution – it replaces the root of a missing tooth and restores both your smile and chewing ability. Forget about uncomfortable temporary solutions and choose an implant that will last a lifetime!
Implantaati paigaldatud
20 000+
30+ aastat
Hambad puseriti?
Kas sind häirib viltune naeratus, kuid sa ei taha kanda metallist breketeid? Invisalign on sinu ideaalne lahendus – peaaegu nähtamatu ja mugav meetod, mis korrigeerib hambad märkamatult ja sobitub su igapäevaeluga!
Sirgeks tehtud naeratust
10 000+
13 aastat
Ebaesteetilised või kulunud hambad?
Kas sind häirivad kulunud, ebakorrapärased või tõsiselt kahjustatud hambad, kuid sa otsid kiiret ja efektiivset lahendust? Hambalaminaadid ja -kroonid on just sinu jaoks! Õhukesed laminaadid annavad su naeratusele hetkega loomuliku ja särava välimuse, samal ajal kui kroonid pakuvad püsivat kaitset ja taastavad hamba tugevuse. Olenemata probleemist, saad nautida tervet ja kaunist naeratust!
Unistuste naeratust loodud
50 000+
Tülikad proteesid?
Kas oled kaotanud enamik oma hambaid ja otsid püsivat lahendust, mis oleks mugavam kui eemaldatavad proteesid? All-on-4 implantaat proteesid on ideaalne lahendus – ainult nelja implantaadi abil saad täieliku ja kindlalt kinnitatud hambarea, mis taastab loomuliku naeratuse ja närimisvõime. Unusta ebamugavad proteesid ja naudi eluaegset stabiilsust ning enesekindlust!
Püsivat proteesi paigaldatud
30 000+
Igemepõletik või veritsus?
Kas sind vaevavad veritsevad või taanduvad igemed, mis tekitavad ebamugavust ja mõjutavad su hammaste tervist? Igemeravi on lahendus, mis taastab igemete tervise, peatades põletiku ja kaitstes hambaid edasiste probleemide eest. Hoolitse oma igemete eest nüüd, et säilitada terve ja tugev naeratus tulevikuks!
Ravitud igemet
20 000+
Üldine hambaravi
Kas sul on probleeme hambaaukude, valu või kahjustatud hammastega, mis mõjutavad su igapäevaelu? Meie erinevad hambaraviteenused pakuvad lahendusi, alates hambatäidistest kuni ulatuslikumate raviprotseduurideni, et taastada hammaste tervis ja funktsioon.
Hammast ravitud
300 000+
What our clients talk?
What our clients talk?
Kadi R
"I went to another dentist before, but the treatment there got worse. I'm very afraid of doctors, but thanks to Meeme, I managed the situation and I'm not afraid of the doctor anymore."
Gum treatment
Kadi R
"I went to another dentist before, but the treatment there got worse. I'm very afraid of doctors, but thanks to Meeme, I managed the situation and I'm not afraid of the doctor anymore."
Gum treatment
Tiiu K
"I thought that only in fairy tales the impossible becomes possible. But it actually happens. Sincere thanks for the smile of my dreams! I definitely recommend Citymed dentistry!"
Tiiu K
"I thought that only in fairy tales the impossible becomes possible. But it actually happens. Sincere thanks for the smile of my dreams! I definitely recommend Citymed dentistry!"
Anu T
"I have been a customer for 20 years and I have never been disappointed with Memee's work. There is always a solution for everything. He always explains what he is doing and why."
General dentistry
Anu T
"I have been a customer for 20 years and I have never been disappointed with Memee's work. There is always a solution for everything. He always explains what he is doing and why."
General dentistry
Every visitor who comes to our clinic is special. We approach each patient individually and holistically.
We are responsible for the work we do, offering insurance protection if complications arise due to the peculiarities of your organism.
In Citymed, the world's most progressive methods and technologies of dentistry are represented.
Every visitor who comes to our clinic is special. We approach each patient individually and holistically.
We are responsible for the work we do, offering insurance protection if complications arise due to the peculiarities of your organism.
In Citymed, the world's most progressive methods and technologies of dentistry are represented.
Every visitor who comes to our clinic is special. We approach each patient individually and holistically.
We are responsible for the work we do, offering insurance protection if complications arise due to the peculiarities of your organism.
In Citymed, the world's most progressive methods and technologies of dentistry are represented.
Citymed Institute
Citymed Institute is a dental clinic that specializes in
quality and personal
quality and personal
quality and personal
quality and personal
quality and personal
dental services. Our goal is to provide each patient with an exclusive dental experience that
is based on
long-term experience and cutting-edge technology.
long-term experience and cutting-edge technology.
long-term experience and cutting-edge technology.
long-term experience and cutting-edge technology.
long-term experience and cutting-edge technology.
individuaalselt, pakkudes hoolt, mis ei paranda mitte ainult naeratust, vaid ka tervist ja enesetunnet.
Be it complex implants,
with crowns or aesthetic solutions, our
experienced team
experienced team
experienced team
experienced team
experienced team
is committed to each patient
individually, providing care that improves
not only your smile, but also your health and well-being.
individuaalselt, pakkudes hoolt, mis ei paranda mitte ainult naeratust, vaid ka tervist ja enesetunnet.
We use the latest treatment technologies to ensure
best results and long term satisfaction.
best results and long term satisfaction.
best results and long term satisfaction.
best results and long term satisfaction.
best results and long term satisfaction.
Our clinic is located in Nõmme,
in a calm and convenient location,
in a calm and convenient location,
in a calm and convenient location,
in a calm and convenient location,
in a calm and convenient location,
where your health
and comfort always come first. Our approach is comprehensive and personal,
because we believe that every smile is unique and deserves the best possible care.
Citymed Institute
Citymed Institute is a dental clinic that specializes in
quality and personal
quality and personal
quality and personal
quality and personal
quality and personal
dental services. Our goal is to provide each patient with an exclusive dental experience that
is based on
long-term experience and cutting-edge technology.
long-term experience and cutting-edge technology.
long-term experience and cutting-edge technology.
long-term experience and cutting-edge technology.
long-term experience and cutting-edge technology.
individuaalselt, pakkudes hoolt, mis ei paranda mitte ainult naeratust, vaid ka tervist ja enesetunnet.
Be it complex implants,
with crowns or aesthetic solutions, our
experienced team
experienced team
experienced team
experienced team
experienced team
is committed to each patient
individually, providing care that improves
not only your smile, but also your health and well-being.
individuaalselt, pakkudes hoolt, mis ei paranda mitte ainult naeratust, vaid ka tervist ja enesetunnet.
We use the latest treatment technologies to ensure
best results and long term satisfaction.
best results and long term satisfaction.
best results and long term satisfaction.
best results and long term satisfaction.
best results and long term satisfaction.
Our clinic is located in Nõmme,
in a calm and convenient location,
in a calm and convenient location,
in a calm and convenient location,
in a calm and convenient location,
in a calm and convenient location,
where your health
and comfort always come first. Our approach is comprehensive and personal,
because we believe that every smile is unique and deserves the best possible care.
Citymed Institute
Citymed Institute is a dental
clinic that specializes in
quality and personal
quality and personal
quality and personal
quality and personal
quality and personal
dental services. Our goal is to
provide each patient with an
exclusive dental experience that
is based on
long-term experience & cutting-edge technology.
long-term experience & cutting-edge technology.
long-term experience & cutting-edge technology.
long-term experience & cutting-edge technology.
long-term experience & cutting-edge technology.
individuaalselt, pakkudes hoolt, mis ei paranda mitte ainult naeratust, vaid ka tervist ja enesetunnet.
Be it complex implants, with
crowns or aesthetic solutions, our
experienced team
experienced team
experienced team
experienced team
experienced team
is committed to each patient
individually, providing care that
improves not only your smile,
but also your health and well-being.
individuaalselt, pakkudes hoolt, mis ei paranda mitte ainult naeratust, vaid ka tervist ja enesetunnet.
We use the latest treatment
technologies to ensure
best results and long term satisfaction.
best results and long term satisfaction.
best results and long term satisfaction.
best results and long term satisfaction.
best results and long term satisfaction.
Our clinic is located in Nõmme,
in a calm and convenient location,
in a calm and convenient location,
in a calm and convenient location,
in a calm and convenient location,
in a calm and convenient location,
where your health
and comfort always come first.
Our approach is comprehensive
and personal, because we believe
that every smile is unique and
deserves the best possible care.
Our partners
Our partners
Oral care products
Aligner treatment
Oral care products
Aligner treatment
Oral care products
Aligner treatment
Frequently asked questions
What is holistic dentistry?
Is there a guarantee for the work?
Can services be paid for in installments?
Do you offer any other dental services?
What is holistic dentistry?
Is there a guarantee for the work?
Can services be paid for in installments?
Do you offer any other dental services?
What is holistic dentistry?
Is there a guarantee for the work?
Can services be paid for in installments?
Do you offer any other dental services?